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It is considered as one of the most insidious of human vices as it presents the illusion of easy money, yet it can easily lead to financial problems. Some behaviors that might be shown by people who have gambling addiction or gambling problem are:
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“ORICON NEWS”称,卡罗琳娜所属的演艺事务所和“日本小姐”选美比赛协会此前曾表示,“不认为错在卡罗琳娜身上”,“不存在破坏婚姻”。不过,该演艺事务所5日发表声明称,“非常遗憾的是,经再次与本人确认,发现事实情况与此前发布的信息不一致。卡罗琳娜在与对方交往时,男方自称‘已经离婚’。不过,尽管在交往过程中知道对方仍保持婚姻关系,但卡罗琳娜还继续与对方交往。”